Just wanted to drop a line -- several lines -- to advise those who still check in on the blog from time to time that the third (and, most likely, last) volume of the Tales from the Queer Studies Program, Wacky in WhoVille, is now available in print and in Kindle format from Amazon. Just click on the title in the previous line to find the page for the print edition, from which you can get to the Kindle edition as well.
"A fraternity in trouble, a historical play, stolen documents, the ghost
of Abraham Lincoln and the irrepressible Bobby Dunn add to Professor
Damien F. Malachy’s problems at Philip Peabody Horton University in this
third installment of tales from the Queer Studies Program. A quirky
story about a university for misfits and other queer things in the
When I was keeping the blog regularly, I reported from time to time on my progress with this book. It is finally done!
Meanwhile, just to update: Tom and I are fine, the cats are fine and I am pondering a project for National Novel Writing Month in November.
And I hope all of you are well and happy. I continue to visit other blogs to keep up with folks.