Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Prayer request

My lady-boss Evelyn Screnock's father's health has taken a serious turn for the worse in the last week. It has been just over a year since she lost her mother. I would ask your prayers for her dad and for the entire family at this time.

This photo of a sculpture of a Russian beggar woman by Ernst Barlach (c. 1906) -- I saw it at the National Gallery in Washington, DC several years ago and fell in love with it -- conveys a profound sense of prayer to me. She has her empty hand outstretched, acknowledging her need but not daring to raise her face to say what she wants. Her empty hand is open to receive whatever the giver offers. In prayer, it is a humble admission that we need help, but often know not what help we need. The giving we leave to God. Our task is to receive gratefully whatever comes from the divine heart.

"Thy will be done."

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