Thursday, November 1, 2007


I will be glad for Daylight Savings Time to end this weekend -- sort of. When I go to work in the morning, the sun is not even above the horizon, although it is light out. Sunrise tomorrow is at 7:36 a.m. When the change comes, at least the sun will be up when I head out.

Of course, the sun sets tomorrow at 5:49. So next week that would be 4:49. Ouch! By the time the days start getting longer, the sun will be setting at 4:00 in the afternoon around here.

When I was in Chicago, I often caught the bus a little after six in the morning, and it was definitely dark. By the time I got off the train in the afternoon to catch the bus to Hyde Park, it was dark again. At least now I drive to and from work and don't have to stand in the cold, dark and rain or snow.

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