Monday, September 29, 2008

St. Michael

Now I know none of the Dodds will know this, but today (September 29) is the feast of the Archangel Michael. Also of Gabriel and Raphael, but the feast originally belonged to Michael alone and the other two -- the only other angels named in the Bible (Raphael only in the Catholic and Orthodox version) -- got added in when they decided to simplify the church calendar. Anywho, as Rusty would no doubt say, that makes it my feast day, although I wasn't named for St. Michael but for some friend of Daddy's whose name was Michael Scott and whom I never met.

This icon is one that another Michael, Fr. Michael Berry, OCD, gave me for Christmas a few years back. The scroll the archangel is holding reads, "As foremost of the host of the Lord am I now come."

Michael, of course, means "Who is like God?" in Hebrew.

Happy feast day to any of you out there named Gabriel and Raphael, too.

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