We are fine. Thanks for asking.
Tom has been busy with his volunteering for different groups; he is one of the most generous people I have ever known and puts in about as much time volunteering his time and talents as most of us do working an actual job. He has also been working in the yard, planting shrubs and flowers (many that are gifts from our neighbor Peggy) and over a hundred new trees.
I am enjoying the library work, and that does keep me busy. I am still teaching a few students in the distance learning program and just finished grading some papers this weekend.
Yesterday Tom and I joined other Stewards of the Dells of the Wisconsin River, members of the Rotary Club, Boy Scouts and other civic-minded residents of the area in the annual cleanup along the river, roads and ravines in preparation for summer. It was not too strenuous -- although climbing up and down the banks of the river did stretch my legs a bit. And we saw some beautiful scenery, including a view of Sunset Bay I had not seen before, complete with a bald eagle circling around. Afterward we were all treated to a picnic of ribs, salmon, cake and talk.
Tom was supposed to spend the late afternoon and evening supervising a Boy Scout group working on an Eagle Scout project at the railroad, but wires got crossed somewhere and no one showed up. So Tom and I joined the Dauphins and Carl (a college-age volunteer at the R&GN) for pizza at the Firehouse. Today Carl had to work on the train, but the rest of us made a field trip to Prairie du Sac, Sauk City, Delaney's Surplus and the art park south of Baraboo. I saw another eagle flying around near the railroad, too.
BTW, I recently picked up a monastery-vibe when we were driving south of Baraboo and have since discovered there is a small monastery of Cistercian nuns there. Here are pictures of the community:

Myself -- I am tired! Tomorrow I don't have to be at work until 11:45, but I work until 8:15. Then Tuesday is my regular 10-hour day. So I will be zonking out for the next few nights.
Hope all of you are well.
Oh, yes! Peter is still working away at the bank, although he went to Chicago again this weekend. Sundance and Cassidy are continuing their feline ways. We were watching a movie Friday night and Cassidy ran in with a baby rabbit in her jaws. It was wet and frightened, but unharmed when she took it into my bathroom. (Why? Who knows!) So I scooped it up and took it back outside and let it hop away.
And that really is all the news there is.
Personally, I just figured with Spring here, you guys were out and about after being cooped up with the bad weather all winter!!
Glad to see you update!!!
I'am happy to read all these news:-)
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