You can be fired just for being gay. Not because you did anything wrong, not because you are not doing your job, not because being gay in any way causes problems at work. But just because you're gay. In more than half the States in the Land of the Free.
Sadly, I'm not sure in your lifetime you will get to see all 50 states celebrate same sex relationships; however, I assure you that it will occur. I'm assuming by the time Brinkley is in her 30's if not sooner this barbaric behavior will be over.
My goodness! It's Michael Dodd!! How have you been? It is great "seeing" you. I am so glad that you are happy and that things are going well for you. I have many fond memories of years past and the shining example you were to us.
May God continue to bless you with good health and happiness.
(Former) Br. Julian, OCD
Thanks for your kind words. Hope all is well with you and yours.
In the Brigadoon-misted grove yesterday, my favorite prayer book (rubber-banded and spineless) opened impossibly to this never-before-seen prayer. The mist duly saturated and wrinkled this page with Merton's gracelets.
The tin-can-and-string timing on this discovery seemed to me to flow from Robert-Julian's heart and memory, to yours, and somehow Thomas Merton pulled up a chair. However that works. My intuition to forward this in a timely manner is simply the conjecture of an innocent bystander
I am grateful to my students simply because they exist and because they are what they are. I am grateful to You, O God, for having placed me among them and for having told me to be their father.
But finally, I am grateful to You, O God, because I am now more often alone. Not that I run away from my students, yet sometimes I do not know myself in them. Indeed, spiritual direction is sometimes an experiment in recognition: they recognize something new in themselves and I in myself: for You, O God, recognize Yourself in us.
Dialogues With Silence
Thomas Merton
p. 99
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