Saturday, June 30, 2012


Our friend Michelangelo was up this weekend from Chicago. It has been a couple of years since we saw him, and it was good to catch up. He and Tom did railroad stuff and took a boat ride on the river Friday afternoon while I was otherwise occupied. I took him over to the library to introduce him to folks and to show him where I had been working. This afternoon he and Tom went to Portage to be in a parade and hand out Fred Clark stuff. It is a nice, hot sunny day and I passed up the opportunity to walk for an hour on paved streets. Tonight we plan to go for Chinese at a new restaurant in the Dells for which I was given a gift certificate at my retirement party.

This morning they played cowboys, shooting Tom's replica whatever-this-is at the target setup in the back. Here's the gun, Tom loading it and showing Michael how it's done. As you can see behind Michael, the trumpet vine is flourishing in this dry heat.

Once the shooting started, the cats decided that would be a good time to investigate the basement. There is a gun club up the road a piece, and Peter, Tom and others shoot in the backyard from time to time. The cats should be used to it, but they like gunshots even less than they like the vacuum cleaner.


Sunny said...

You have no idea how much todays post makes me miss home, Michael. :-)

Unknown said...

My guess on the gun is a Uberti Stallion in 22lr. Am I correct? Im a sucker for single action army's.