2) We are still in severe drought here, but we have had a bit of rain the last few days: 0.15 inches, 0.25 inches, etc. I attribute this to the fact that I washed a pair of denim overalls and hung them out to dry on the clothesline. While we have not had any gully washers, as long as those overalls are hanging out there, we get enough rain each day to keep them from getting dry enough for me to bring back in. I don't wear them much, so it's not a problem for me. And anything to keep Wisconsin Dells from turning into a dust bowl.
3) Retirement goes merrily along. I am writing every day, taking a morning walk or getting some sort of exercise every day, doing some of the cooking, goofing off, watching my budget. For the rest of this year, due to my reduced Social Security benefits (I had made over the annual limit when I retired at the end of June), my health insurance premium is going to be about twelve dollars more each month than I will be getting in from SS. Fortunately I have been earning book royalties each month, not a lot but enough to cover the difference with the insurance. On the other hand, all that means is that I break more or less even -- without spending a penny on anything else. Come January it will get better, but not a lot. Thanks again to the Carmelites and thirty years of living with a vow of poverty, I'll get by.
4) I gather there is some sort of sporting event going on in London? Hope you sports fans are enjoying it. I just hide in my room with the cats and watch Jeeves and Wooster DVDs. I mean, Bertie is English and he plays golf a lot. So it's sort of the same thing, right?
LOL- 1) YUK to hackers. 2)You can have some of OUR rain if you like. I'm tired of it after 6 weeks of almost constant wet and could use a few days of dry. 3)So retirement isnt much different than working life, eh? Welcome to my world the past few...decades. LOL!! and 4)I feel the same way. I been watching "LOST" and "Diary of a Call Girl" and "EUREKA" which I completely missed when it was on REAL TV because I was working.....I DO like Football(American) but other than that and Archery in the Olympics, I couldnt be bothered with sports. I could have SWORN tehre was an Olympic Event for shooting(guns) but I havent sen it if there is. Oh well... How are Cassidy and Sundance adjusting to your retirement?
Cassidy and Sundance have adjusted to my retirement pretty well. Now they realize that if Tom is gone all day for some reason, I am likely to be here. So when he is unavailable, they can start pestering me for snacks every hour or so in the afternoon. Or when they need a door opened ...
LOL- Isnt that just typical of a cat?...
"Hmmmmmmm, how can we use Michael's retirement to OUR advantage???- Wait-I've got it!! He can be our FULL-time servant...bringing us hourly snacks, letting us out and in, waking up every couple of hours to move us to a different window for the best sun positioning- We're living the high-life now, Cassidy!! (*Bahahahahha*or whatever the equivilant of an evil cat-laugh is!!)
(Oh Gah- now I miss Logan!!!) ;-)
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