Tuesday, June 25, 2013

On the road ...

I have always liked this painting by Canadian artist, Steve Walker. The title, I think, is "Sunrise, Sunset", but it has "On the road" written all over it as far as I am concerned. For a few years when I was in transition from the monastery to my new life, I had this as my screensaver. I saw the artist once in Chicago, and I was saddened to hear that he died this past year.

I post the image now because I am getting ready to head to Texas to visit family in a few days and will not be back until sometime in July. I may post something while I am away, but internet access will be a bit limited. Be safe while I am gone, be happy, be free and at ease. I will try to be all those things, too.

PS -- I won't be walking, of course.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Take loads of photos, Michael.....and Safe Journey!!! xo