Thursday, July 18, 2013

Medical news

Yesterday Tom and I spent most of the day sitting around at clinics and such in Madison. He just sat and read, but I had scans and consultations. It seems I have hyperparathyroidism. Here is an excerpt from the Wiki article:
Hyperparathyroidism is overactivity of the parathyroid glands resulting in excess production of parathyroid hormone (PTH). The parathyroid hormone regulates calcium and phosphate levels and helps to maintain these levels. Excessive PTH secretion may be due to problems in the glands themselves, in which case it is referred to as primary hyperparathyroidism and which leads to hypercalcaemia (raised calcium levels). It may also occur in response to low calcium levels, as encountered in various situations such as vitamin D deficiency or chronic kidney disease; this is referred to as secondary hyperparathyroidism. In all cases, the raised PTH levels are harmful to bone, and treatment is often needed.[1]

 Please note: This is NOT about the thyroid as such, but about four small (grain-of-rice-size) glands located near/on the thyroid.

I, being me, naturally have primary hyperparathyroidism. I will have surgery (hugely safe and successful) August 22 to remove whichever of the little devils is creating the problem. 

This whole thing began April 1 (April Fools!) when my annual physical indicated a high level of calcium in my blood. Further tests and a bone density scan revealed osteoporosis and a high indication of hyperparathyroidism as the culprit. Yesterday's tests included having a scan that involved lying still for three ten-minute scans and then one eighteen-minute scan. Got to practice meditating, anyway. Then a rush to make a doctor's appointment across town to discuss the results and set the date for the surgery. Before the surgery I will have to have an ultrasound of the throat and another physical with my primary care physician.

Nothing like summer, is there? After the surgery I will be unable to talk for a bit (the good news for Tom), but I will also not be able to do anything strenuous, which I never do anyway. I will miss a week or so of library work.

I am grateful that I have health insurance, even though it eats up absolutely all of my income. I cannot imagine what this would cost if I had to pay for it all myself. I suppose that I would just elect not to do it, although that would leave me at high risk for broken bones and so on.


Sunny said...

You sound like me.....Paul absolutely is THRILLED when I get laryngitis. On the upside, it's kinda like getting your tonsils get all the icecream you want!!!!
How's THAT for a treat???? :-)

(btw- I updated the photos with the stories after I got in from work today!!)

john michael said...

I pray all goes well for ya Michael