Friday, February 14, 2014


The summer before my senior year in university (how British that sounds, in university) a friend was taking a directing course and one of her actors got picked up for DUI a couple of days before the play was to be performed for the public. He had a minor-minor role and I agreed to fill in. I knew a lot of the drama students anyway, and one of the principals was a woman named (I thought) Jenny. She wore a t-shirt that said "Virginia is for Lovers" and so I asked if she were from the Old Dominion.

Turns out her name was Virginia (hence, Ginny, not Jenny) and a friend had given her the shirt.

Anyway, it is a lovely state although it has been years now since I visited there.

The coastal plain is called the Tidewater, and I thought of that today. The tide, as they say, waits for no one.

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A friend told me she overheard a conversation about ham in a local deli.
Customer: What's the difference between the honey ham and the Virginia ham?
Deli clerk: Well, honey ham is honey flavor and Virginia ham is Virginia flavor.