Another librarian remarked, "You sure rained on her parade!"

At any rate, today we saw our first indigo bunting of the season. Peg had seen a couple last week. This one was hanging around the suet feeder and perching on the bare trumpet vines on the deck railing. This is not a photo of that one, because I could not get a decent one. But this is the bird and a lovely one it is, too!
Gorgeous photos. I'm sure you weren't trying to one-up. There was just a lot of excitement to report.
I once had a boss (at Berkeley) who had to always one-up everyone. He had a weekend home in Napa as did one of my staff. She was excited because they had 5 deer grazing behind their house. He said, "That's nothing. We had 7." (I'm sure one of them was Bambi himself.)
It is kind of you to think I wasn't boasting, but knowing me like I do ...
Tom and I live in the woods (35 acres of what was once part of his family's extensive 1840s land grant in Wisconsin -- yes, taken from the Native Americans) and have bird feeders. So we see lots of wildlife.
Vivian (the goldfinch lady) lives in town and has no bird feeders. So she had every reason to be more excited.
Plus, goldfinches are now in full yellow mode for mating season, and they are beautiful.
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