Thursday, July 2, 2015


Rich and Peggy put a lot of work into their yard and plants, and they have a beautiful place. Peggy often shares plants with us. Tom tends our property well, and his style of gardening emphasizes natural flow and easy care. 

Recently I posted photos of some of the plants around the house. Here are some of the taller day lilies, now beginning to come into bloom between the yard proper and the woods in front of the house. The black box around one of the buds in the corner of the second picture shows the highest stem at the moment. It is about five feet tall, compared to six inches for some of the dwarf hybrids. Those shorter ones are all golden yellow, but the tall ones have more rust red and orange in them.

Here are a couple more pictures of the Asian lilies that Tom likes so well. These are alongside the driveway near the garage.

And here is some red bee balm or monarda, one of the gifts from Peggy. They are strange flowers, but they are supposed to attract butterflies and hummingbirds. And I like the fact that they are red. She gave us a few that Tom put out by the drive, and I understand that they will spread nicely.

Speaking of attracting hummingbirds, the trumpet vine growing up and over the deck has been filling up with buds for a while, but no full blooms yet. When that happens, the hummingbirds usually show up.


Bob said...

The red bee balm are gorgeous!

Lavada said...

I love the asian lillies too. They grow wild on the roadsides in South Carolina. <3