Thursday, July 21, 2011


I have been receiving suspicious emails, apparently from family members, that seem to be coming from Google+. If you are sending me messages to try to lure me onto Google+, I remind you that I no longer use such social networks after two friends had disastrous experiences of being hacked on them. If, on the other hand, you are NOT sending me things related to Google+, then you may want to check to see if someone has hacked you -- or if Google+ is using your contact list to push their product.

Just saying!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

The issue I have with Google+ is anytime you post something, it sends it to EVERYONE in your address book that aren't even signed up with Google+ as a way to sign people up that aren't even on it. I HATE THAT about it and have actually stopped using it because of it. It is so irritating.