Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We've got a gift theme going here

We got a lovely thank you note from Chris and Linda after their recent visit, and included was a bag of flamingo picks they had found in doing some cleaning up around their place. I don't know if you can tell that well from the photo, but they are long picks for sticking in things like chunks of fruit and the body is that sort of wraparound honeycomb tissue paper stuff.

So in the last few weeks we have received a flamingo windchime, a neon flamingo and now this.

I'm not hinting to future guests that you have to keep up the tradition, but just in case you were wondering what flamingo-related items we already have ...

I also found this flock of flamingos ornament to add to our Christmas ornament collection, which already includes a flamingo or two. The flamingos in my ornament are the same as these, but these look like they are standing in water and mine are on land.

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