Friday, November 5, 2010

Or south?

Although I haven't been there since the mid-1970's, Lake Chapala outside Guadalajara would be a nice place to live. The climate is pleasant and relatively mild, the city of Guadalajara is delightful -- second largest in Mexico and in many ways much more livable than Mexico City itself. Lots of US citizens retire there, especially military people from what I understand. (There are an estimated 50,000 US retirees resident in the area.) You can buy a home there, but return to the States periodically and retain your citizenship here. Cost of living is lower than here. It is possible to buy into the national health care plan for only about $200 a year.That provides for ordinary needs, although major medical expenses are not covered. Nonetheless, one can purchase private insurance for that at rates far lower than here in the States, and the medical care in a city like Guadalajara is considered quite good. You can do without owning a car, because public transportation is readily available.

The big drawback, of course, is that the drug violence that is rampant in Mexico also affects Guadalajara to some extent despite it not being a border town. On the other hand, there is violence everywhere one goes these days, and it is not like Lake Cahapala is the Old West. Even in Wisconsin Dells, we have drug-related deaths. And low-level violence at the local bars in particular is a constant issue. Not that we go to bars, of course, and those problems usually stay at the bars.

When I was there the first time in 1974, I thought it would be a lovely place to retire. I think there are even a couple of Carmelite monasteries in the area, and there may even be some friars I know. Certainly I know a friar originally from there, Fr. Luis Jorge, although I believe he teaches in Rome now.


Ted B said...

Consider Guanajuato. That is to where I wish to retire

Michael Dodd said...

Guanajuato could work.