Sunday, November 14, 2010


The dark-eyed juncoes are back in force. They are all over the back yard today, along with blue jays and woodpeckers, checking out the bird feeders.

There were some tiny snowflakes in the air today. Nothing to get excited about, but there they were nonetheless.

Tom got the mailbox fixed (so the snow plows won't knock it over) and the outside faucets ready to resist the freezes.

I did laundry, vacuumed, mopped the kitchen, did dishes, did dishes, did dishes.

Peter went to work out and then went over for a short work day.

Sundance and Cassidy curled up like enormous furry pillbugs and napped.

Did I mention I did dishes?

1 comment:

Sunny said...

But the main thing I want to know is....did you remember to do the dishes, Michael????
LOL!!! You sound just like me- those dang dirty dishes just multiply as I stand there washing them.

oh..btw- Check out my "Travel" Blog...two new posts for ya. (You seem to be the only person besides my in laws that reads it. Can't say I blame's been pretty boring for the moment.)