Monday, February 11, 2013

Habebimus papam

His Holiness Benedict XVI is the only pope I have ever been introduced to, although at the time he was still Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. I and a group of other Carmelites were being given a tour around St. Peter's by a friar who worked for the Vatican Secretary of State, and when Cardinal Ratzinger walked by on his way to his office, the friar introduced us. On that trip I saw Pope John Paul II on several occasions, but I never met him.

At any rate, Benedict has decided -- wisely and humbly and well, in my opinion -- to resign as of the end of the month. No doubt there were many reasons besides his age and health, but no one can doubt that these are adequate.

It is possible, though wildly unlikely, that at some point along the way I will have met the man who now is a cardinal but in a few weeks will become pope. But I suspect that the only pope I will ever have met in a passing way is Benedict. I hope he will be well in his retirement, that his heart will be open and that he will be happy.

1 comment:

shera10 said...

I think Pope Benedict's decision to retire will go down in history as his major contribution to the church. I am happy for him. Retirement is good. I am happy for the church too. From now on all future popes will have the option to retire when they want to. Being pope is no longer a death sentence. The responsibilities and expectations of the modern papacy are simply overwhelming. It is unrealistic to ask a man to fulfill those responsibilities until death.