Monday, July 14, 2014

Of mice and mousers

We have not had much problem with mice in the past few months. Part of this is due, we think, to the work done in the basement. The foam that they used to seal the basement to prevent moisture also sealed up many of the ways that mice had been making their way into the house. And the use of cotton balls soaked with peppermint oil has helped keep them away from the pantries and other places should they make it in some other way.

This past week, however, I have had to dispose of four mice caught in sticky traps. I thought maybe the wet weather had driven them inside, but tonight I caught Cassidy bringing one in and letting it loose to run about. She and Sundance ran around uselessly, making a lot of noise but not catching the little mouse, who eventually hid under the dishwasher. Cassidy went back outside -- NOT, I hope, to find another rodent to bring in. Sundance went over and crouched alongside the dishwasher, watching as the mouse poked its head out and crept out onto the floor from time to time. I watched the mouse run practically into Sundance's face before the cat would swat at it. Not, you notice, "swat it." This happened several times. Sundance never got to her feet or chased the mouse. Just slapped at it and let it go back under the counter. The mouse, none too bright, kept coming back out and approaching the cat. 

Sundance waiting for the mouse to reappear.

Eventually the mouse wandered away from the kitchen and I managed to corner it and scoop it up in a container and toss it back into the yard. When Tom opened the door for me to get rid of the mouse, Sundance trotted out down the sidewalk ahead of me like she was leading the way. I tossed the mouse off in the other direction, hoping not to see it back in the house later.


Ur-spo said...

"she's deeply concerned with the ways of the mice, for their behavior's not good and their manners not nice."

Moving with Mitchell said...

Meet our new friends, Dad!!! Our current cats would be good mousers. I'm glad we don't have any [mice]. Our former cats were afraid of moths and humming birds!