Friday, September 19, 2014


We have had some nights down into the upper 30s this past week and most of our regular flowers are going or gone. But here are some pictures of a few remaining day lilies.

Tom had planted some asters last year that did not do too well, but one bunch of the pom pom sort are looking good behind the black-eyed Susan patch.

Another sort have cropped up next to the sidewalk, and Tom thinks they are wild. I am not convinced.


He may be right, however, because we have wild ones scattered around in the woods out front.

Helen gave us some sedum several years ago, and it loves our soil and climate. Tom has divided the original batch several times, and it does well everywhere he puts it. Sedum comes into its purpley own this time of year.

The bees love it. Most scattered when I tried to get close enough for a picture, but this one was stalwart.

And a few photos of the hydrangea blooms. In the third one you see a hint of the rosey blush they develop in the fall.

But if the flowers are fleeting, the fungi are flourishing. This bit of spongey thing catches my eye every day when I walk out to the mailbox.

As far as I can tell from the internet, it is just called sponge fungus. A fungus discovered a few years ago in Malaysia is called Spongiforma squarepantsii -- taking its name from the Nickelodeon cartoon character, SpongeBob SquarePants. Perhaps this is a strange visitor from another world! It is about the size of a bath sponge.

1 comment:

Moving with Mitchell said...

That sponge fungus is incredible. The flowers are beautiful. We've been having temps in the 30s all week, too. But ours have been 30C!