Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday tasks

This morning after my usual routine, we ran some errands. Tom needed to go to Home Depot, we needed to do a bit of grocery shopping and I finally broke down and bought two pairs of jeans. Last week the seat finally went out on one pair and the cuffs on another pair of pants have frayed beyond repair. So off to buy clothes.

And I am not going to complain about how much I paid for two pairs of jeans and three pairs of socks. No, I am not going to complain. Not, not, not!

Nice socks, though, huh? Also in red/gray and purple/black. Too much information?


Lavada said...

I detest shopping for jeans..it ALWAYS ends in tears.

Socks, on the other hand, I absolutely LOVE shopping for and buying..... They have to be cotton tho- nylon or rayon socks break me out in hives anywhere it touches....My sister, Nina, is the same with Nylon. Ever heard the story of the princess and the pea? That's us.....we bruise if we sleep on a wrinkled sheet.

I also love shopping for handbags - one size fits all...no matter what size...and if it's the wrong size- you get to buy another!

Happy Tuesday!!!

Michael Dodd said...

Cotton, totally. I still think of nylon and rayon socks as old-man socks, because my father wore those back in the day.