Friday, May 1, 2015

And it being May Day ...

April did not bring many showers to our area, but things are beginning to bloom out around here. Nothing too exotic, but even so, it is nice. Just the last day or two of warmth has made trees begin leafing out.

These are sand cherries alongside the deck in the back.

Yesterday morning Tom and I went out and marked some plums and other trees that were blossoming. He is marking them to make sure they don't get cut down when he is clearing brush and cleaning up. I think the plum blossoms look like something from a Japanese print. You can see from the trees behind them that spring still has a way to go, though.

Peggy came over for coffee after we got back from marking the trees. She also wanted to get a few bleeding hearts plants from the ones that are thriving beside the garage. Tom helped her dig some up. They disturbed a tulip that had mysteriously migrated fifty feet uphill to settle itself in this totally enclosed spot. Plants!

And here are some of the grape hyacinths down the hill a bit between the house and the woods. I planted these a few years back, but some of them have also taken up residence on their own in other places, all uphill from the original site.


Finally, here is a violet growing in the rocks beside the drive. It made me think of the saying from Tennessee Williams: "The violets in the mountains have broken the rocks."

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