Sunday, February 26, 2012

How long will I live?

For some reason, I have thought for some time that I would die at 83. Today I took a test designed at the University of Pennsylvania (click here if you want to try it) that predicted my life expectancy, based on health and behavioral questions, to be within a range of 79 to 93, with a likely age of 85.9 at time of death.

Predictors are based on large populations with common circumstances and do not indicate what will happen to any individual within that population. After all, I could be hit by a truck tomorrow or get poisoned by the pork soft tacos I am making for dinner tonight.

Still, it is interesting to see that my intuitive guess correlates somewhat with this test, at least.

Tom, on the other hand, pointed out that they do not ask at what age parents and/or siblings died. His outcome has him living a decade longer than most people in his family did. On the other hand, if it turns out to be true, we have a couple of decades left together. Which will make me happier.

Other comments on this test include:
"Shoot, I already lived longer than I am supposed to!"
"Yipes! I passed away last Tuesday!"
"If I cut out all the things I would have to in order to live longer, I wouldn't live -- just exist."

At any rate, don't base your retirement planning on anything like this.

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