Friday, February 24, 2012

Report from the No Complaining Zone

As regular readers know (both of you), I am endeavoring to give up complaining for Lent. Tom has already pointed out that this has just about killed our dinner conversations.

I hate to admit it is true. To be honest, it has just about killed all my conversations. Part of trying not to complain is trying not to get drawn into negative and critical conversations with others who -- as some of them have reminded me -- have not made any such Lenten resolution.

It has made me realize how much of ordinary conversation is complaining. Or, if not complaining strictly define perhaps, still how much of it is critical, negative and so on.

Not that I'm complaining about that!

Six weeks to go ...


Sunny said...

I couldnt do it......I'm trying to give up being deliberately annoying for Lent...I'll let you know how that goes when it's over. But right now- let's just say you and I are on the same ship when it comes to dinner(or any OTHER) conversations.

Not that anyone ELSE is complaining, mind you....they're enjoying the peace and quiet for a change!!!

Good Luck, Michael!!!

Sank said...

I complain, therefore I am.

Carmelite Candle said...

I'm in. I've given up for Lent. The devil (?) made me do it. ;->