Friday, April 19, 2013

A month from today ...

A month from today, that is to say on May 19, I will turn 63.

Recently I went for my annual checkup, and what with one thing and another, the doctor thinks I have hyperparathyroidism... Couldn't have a simple name like "Smith's disease", right? Anyway, in order to find out, now they have to start the labs-referral cycle. Turns out the earliest appointment in our area for an endocrinologist is August 27, so now they are looking for an endocrinologist in Madison. So tests, more tests, possibly other referrals, definitely other appointments, probably (outpatient) surgery.

I am not as bothered by the possibility of hyperparathyroidism and treatment -- there is a very high success rate -- as I am by the fact that I seem now to have entered into that period of life in which all my travels are going to be from lab to lab to doctor to doctor...

And I had such different hopes for my retirement!

Life on life's terms, as they say. At least I have health insurance at the moment. (Although that will disappear at the end of the year and Medicare won't kick in for a year and a half after that.)

And I am in a much better situation as I write this than my friends in Boston! May they all be safe and well.

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