Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goals, not resolutions

The road leading to a goal does not separate you from the destination; it is essentially a part of it.  
~ Charles DeLint

Taking a lesson from Twelve Step wisdom, which speaks of "progress, not perfection," I decided to set goals for 2014 instead of making resolutions. I may not reach the goals, but I can try to move toward them.

I thought I would set one goal in each of the following areas, listed in no particular order:

1) Personal growth
2) Spiritual life
3) Professional life [writing]
4) Health
5) Finances
6) Relationships

Personal Growth

I will practice saying "No, thanks" to drama -- my own and that of others. When I find myself dwelling on something of this nature, I will take six deep breaths and release. If I find I am still dwelling on it, I will take note of that and not get excited about it. No need to create metadrama -- drama about drama.

Spiritual life

My practice this past year has been to do some reflective reading and then spend 20 minutes each morning in meditation. In 2014 I will aim to increase my meditation time regularly to 30 minutes.

Professional life [writing]

I will complete and publish one novel during 2014. Towards this end, I will work on this project for an hour each day.


I will become more aware of my eating habits. Towards this end, I will record everything I eat each day using the My Fitness app. I will also record exercise.


I will set aside $100 each month to finance recommended dental work and spend that money by having the work done this year.


I will suggest one new thing for Tom and me to do together each week: a new place to eat, a new place to visit, a new movie to watch. I will gracefully accept his preference about whether we do it or not.


Sunny said...

Well thought out, Michael!

Anonymous said...

Goals, not resolutions. A subtle but profound shift in focus.