Friday, December 20, 2013

Predicted and predictable winter weather woes

My trip to Texas had to be cancelled due to icy roads along part of the route and an approaching winter storm. I knew there was a reason I didn't try to drive halfway across the country this time of year! It's a disappointment, but I will go in the spring and try to arrange it so that I don't have job-related time restraints.

Meanwhile, I will have Christmas with Tom, our guests and the cats.

I hope all of your Christmas plans go more smoothly!


Sunny said...

Awww. dang. Well, I know you will have a lovely holiday at home too! Better safe than Sorry, Right?

Michael Dodd said...

Yeah. And it just reminded me that I would have spent too much time while I was there fretting about what the weather would be like on the drive back. The last time I drove this time of year, I got caught in a white-out just inside the Wisconsin border. It only lasted a few seconds, but I was coming off a bridge ...
And then about fifteen miles from home, with snow coming down hard and no exits from the freeway and desperately needing to get to a bathroom and my cell phone battery low and gas under a quarter tank, the traffic just stopped dead. No way to find out what was causing it. Fortunately it started up after about ten minutes, but it took me 45 minutes to make that last 15 miles to safety. I think I said then I would never do this in winter again. Need to remember those things!

Robert said...

Hi MIchael,

Just discovered your blog and I'm really enjoying it. We just had a bit of ice here in central Iowa and of course it's making life difficult. 18 years in the midwest and it's never the snow that bothers me, it's the ice storms.

Stay safe. :-)

Michael Dodd said...

Welcome to the blog! I agree about the snow. I drive through that carefully but without much worry. Ice, on the other hand, is bad news. Worst ice storm I drove through was on my way from Little Rock to Dallas, back in 1974. I made it as far as Hope (of all places!) and gave up. Every time I came to an overpass, my car went into a slide. The good news: The Star Trek "Trouble with Tribble