Saturday, May 16, 2015

Just sayin'

This is an HRC t-shirt I had not seen before. Definitely need one!


Lavada said...

Actually, it means You All...Strange- but there IS a difference.
1 person = You
2 people = Y'all
3 or more ppl= All Y'all.

Aint you from Texas, Michael? Lawd, I just reckon you need to visit your sweet mama more often.

Bless yer Heart.(And we all know what THAT means, don't we?) Poor dear becomin' all cit'ified living up North so long!!! ;)

Just kidding Michael, You know we all love you!

Bob said...

Living in South Carolina, I could use that shirt!

Michael Dodd said...

I don't recall being taught the "3 or more" rule when I was growing up -- insofar as I did -- in East Texas. "Y'all" covered all numbers over one. On the other hand, someone might say "All y'all" to a particularly large group, I suppose. Or maybe my antique head is letting these memories slip through the cracks ...

Moving with Mitchell said...

And I love how those shirts have been pre-filled.

Michael Dodd said...

Yes, that is nice.