Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Signs of the times

On County Road P between our house and Reedsburg, there is a house with a sign out front. The residents are obviously Christian and the sign usually displays a seasonal message or a quote from scripture: Unto Us a Child Is Born or He Is Risen or Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread.

Lately it has said, In the Beginning God Created. I am not sure if this was mainly a declaration of their creationist beliefs or a reference to the end of winter and coming of new growth with spring.

Yesterday we saw that they had added a line:

So I think this is how it went:
And God said, "Let there be rhubarb!": and there was rhubarb.
And God saw the rhubarb, and that it was good.
And God said, "Let us charge two dollars for the rhubarb!"
And the angels rejoiced.


Moving with Mitchell said...


Anonymous said...

Love your blog entry. Summer is time for me to indulge in my favorite crumble.. Rhubarb. I am sure the Angels rejoiced when it was created. I certainly did!!!