Sunday, December 12, 2010

Possible titles

Yesterday at the library, I was expounding -- as is my mostly unwanted wont -- on some trivial thing, and Vivian said, "Michael, that can be the title of your next book: Odd, But True."

"No, "I said. "It should be Dodd, But True."

Which got me thinking about possible variations on the odd/Dodd theme ...

Dodds and Ends?
Dodd Man Out?
Dodd Or Even?

Don't worry. I don't think I will have time to write anything new for quite a while.

When I was in high school, people punned on my name by calling me Dud or even Milk Dud (for Mike Dodd since most people called me Mike back then). I'm sure I was thought odd, but I don't recall anyone making a nickname out of it.

My sophomore year at Michigan State, one of the guys in the dorm brought his younger brother to meet me. The brother had expressed an interest because everyone called me Michael (or Mike) Dodd. He said he had never heard anyone always called by both names -- with the exception of the Peanuts character Charlie Brown. What can I say?

As for the name Dodd, the famous biblical scholar, C.H. Dodd, was referenced in this limerick:
There was a professor called Dodd,
Whose name was exceedingly odd;
He spelled, if you please,
His name with three “D’s,”
When one was sufficient for God.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

My nickname is school was Polka Dodd.