Monday, April 11, 2011

Not those showers ...

This morning they were running tests on the sprinkler system in the library building. The system in the library -- both the new section and the old -- was fine. The system in the Community Center part of the building, however, burst pipes and poured down torrential waters upon things stored there -- including a lot of boxes of books donated for the library book sale in June. Most of the books are stored in large plastic tubs with covers. We had run out of those tubs, though, due to a huge donation of books given to us by the family of a recently deceased former assistant librarian. So those books were in cardboard boxes.

And guess where the leak was?

Not exactly bringing May flowers, I'm afraid. Quite a few boxes were a total loss and were tossed into trucks to be taken off to recycling. We will see what was saved.

The library's stuff is all insured, and the damaged books were covered by that. So it is not a total loss. But it did not make the library director's day get off to a good start!

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