Sunday, April 10, 2011


Today we headed south and west to Mt. Horeb, a town of about 7000 that was settled in the mid-19th century largely by Norwegians. It is famous for its trolls, a series of hand-carved wooden figures scattered throughout downtown and -- who knows? -- perhaps in the surrounding countryside. There are eighteen or so standing around, quiet and friendly for the most part. The one in the photo is a peddler, loaded down with his goods. He greets visitors in front of a lovely old home converted into a shop with lots of Norwegian and other Scandinavian gifts, clothing and so on. Some very nice things at reasonable prices.

It was a great day to wander through the town, mostly quiet and many things not yet open on a Sunday before the tourist season gets under way. While we were there it was sunny and close to 80 degrees (26.7 C). We were supposed to have thunder storms, but one wave had passed through around dawn and a second has yet to arrive now at four o'clock. So we had time to stroll around, visit a few shops, pick up a possible birthday gift for Peter and a book for Tom, and then head on over to the Madison area for Indian food.

On the way back home, we stopped in Prairie du Sac for a very short walk along the Wisconsin River, which is pretty high. The river view path was covered completely in some places, so we headed up to Tom's favorite Western store. After nearly buying a long black duster, he came to his senses and we headed back to the Dells. By that time the sky was growing dark. He has to go to Portage for something tonight and wanted to get home to watch a weather report. We may be getting thunder, hail, even a tornado (unlikely, but possible.)

Not a night I would want to go out. The cats and I will stay home, warm and dry.

I guess the trolls in Mt. Horeb must be used to it.

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