Sunday, March 18, 2012

What the warm weather brings ...

These warm days are bringing plants and other things to life. Lots of bugs now, including ants in the house and a butterfly out back. (Maybe it is because I did not grow up in Wisconsin but in Texas, but it seems to me there were a lot more butterflies around when I was a kid.) Also, note to Tom and self: Ant traps!

And we saw our first garter snake of the year. We were looking over the side of the deck trying to decide where to plant something and a foot-long snake slid by. Usually we deal with snakes that the cats bring in the house, small ones that they catch on the rocks that line the flowerbeds along the front sidewalk. This more sizable specimen hung around briefly before heading to the back of the property. Cassidy went down to investigate, but by then the snake had moved on.

At any rate, the very warm days are about to cool down later in the week. And we may have some thunderstorms and showers most of the week. Today though we still enjoy dry, sunny and warm.

As apparently do the snakes.

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