Sunday, May 19, 2013


After a long-lingering winter, we are now in full spring and flowers are blooming. This is the corner of the sidewalk in front of the house. Besides the phlox, violets, vinca, bleeding hearts, grape hyacinths and a lonely red tulip, the iris are ready to open up if they can survive the rainstorms we expect tonight and this week. If you can see the tiny bit of yellow near the middle of the right edge of the photo just below the bench, that is one of the day lilies Mama gave me from her house. There are plenty of other lilies around, but that one looks like it will be the first to pop.

The lilac bushes are out as well as our puny little crab apple and the sand cherries. It is now fun to sit out on the deck or the front porch, with the permission of the wasps, and enjoy the flowers and the bird song.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Beautiful!! I'm not normally a purple/lavendar kinda girl, but those flowers are beautiful!! Day-Lillies are one of my favorite flowers, too. I especially like the plain white ones as well as the peachy/orange ones that grow wild by the sides of the roads in our neck of the woods back home.

Nothing like looking out your window and seeing the beautiful blooms.....or on your windowsill in a vase, fresh cut from the garden.

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

(btw- TY for the compliments on the photos.It's the hobby I love and never have enough time to pursue.)