Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mystery names

For the past few months, when someone writes a comment on this blog and I write a follow-up, Blogger sends me an e-mail reporting that John Michael has commented on my blog. Blogger obviously recognizes that the comment is mine because it does not require me to approve it before it is posted, something that it does require for all other comments. And when I go and read the comment on the blog itself, it is attributed to me.

I have a friend named John Michael, a Carmelite priest from the Oklahoma Province. He has on occasion posted a comment here, though rarely. Somehow Blogger got our names mixed up. At first this confused me because I kept looking for John Michael's comment, but all I could find was what I had written. I only hope he does not get emails that seem to be from me ...

Mysterium est.


Ur-spo said...

I've been stopping by regularly, hoping to see a new post. I just discovered my link is actually for your entry about the velveeta. Sometimes I am quite obtuse.

Michael Dodd said...

I have done the same thing with links. In fact, your comment reminds me to check on a couple of blogs to see if that is why I haven't seen anything new since I first saved them.