Wednesday, January 29, 2014

We're in great shape, folks!

No, not because of the State of the Union address or the rebuttals or the rebuttals of the rebuttals.
Because apparently the big issue facing America can be easily solved: What to do about a washed-up, out-of-control teenage singer from Canada.

Yes! Washington may be buzzing about Tuesday’s State of the Union, but many Americans are concerned about another issue facing the nation: the immigration status of Justin Bieber.

A petition to deport Bieber and revoke his green card on the White House’s citizen portal reached 100,000 signatures Wednesday morning, the threshold needed for the White House to be required to respond.

See? Not much to worry about when 100,000 people can take the time to get involved in this burning issue.

And we can just ship him home and all will be well.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

LMBO- and as it said when I clicked on the comment icon..... No Comments. Hahahahahaha!!! Hope yall are toasty-oasty warm the the Dells, Michael!!! xx