Friday, January 22, 2010

What up with that?

Cynthia is setting a good example with her weight loss right now, and I want to encourage her to stick with it. We all know how challenging it can be!

I was just noticing as I surfed the channels [not a big calorie-burning exercise, BTW] that I kept running into two types of commercials: 30-minute-infomercials for weight-loss programs of various sorts; and ads for all-you-can-eat, super-size deals at eateries.

A friend told me about a weight control group he used to attend. They met once a week, weighed in and if you had gained any, you paid a few dollars into the kitty. Then they talked about various strategies for losing weight. It was not a specific program like Weight Watchers, but a general support group. Anyway, they all starved themselves for a couple of days before the weigh-ins to avoid having to pay up, and then to celebrate, every week they went out to a pizza buffet after the meeting. They did not eat any pizza, but they hit the salad bar and piled on creamy dressings, chunks of pepperoni or ham and tons of cheese. Then the next week, back to starving before the weigh-in.

Reminds me of something I read about bookstores. The two perennial bestselling types of non-fiction [?] books are cookbooks and weight-loss books.

PS: I am not preaching to you. I am reminding myself!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

We found the Nutrisystem to be a great way to lose weight...the problem is after you lose the weight, you stop the program. But instead of learning how to eat from the program, you go back to eating the way you did before...and then you put the lbs back on.

Its all about lifestyle changes...FOREVER.