Monday, May 19, 2014

Later in the birthday

I had a fairly quiet day. Got cards and emails and phone calls wishing me a happy 64th. Tom had bought me a mini-stepper-exerciser. The doctor is happy I ride the exercycle, but she wants me to do more weight-bearing exercise. This thing is WORK! And good for my balance, too.

I cooked my own birthday dinner, because Tom and John were out at the railroad all day supervising the track crew. The little railroad opens for the season on Friday and they are hard at work getting things in shape.

Dinner was bacon-wrapped chicken, rice and salad. They got me an Extreme Chocolate cake and decorated it with appropriate candles.

I had emailed Steve Payne in Kenya, hoping that all is well there. He assured me that they are safe from the terrorists, at least. He leaves tomorrow for his home visit to the States. With any luck, we may be able to get together for a meal at some point. He also sent this card for my birthday.

Thus I enter my 65th year ...

And I found out that I share my birthday with Rubik's Cube, although it is a mere youngster at 40.


Robert said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!

It sounds like you've had a great day. :)

Moving with Mitchell said...

What a great day... and cake!!! Any left for me?

Michael Dodd said...

There is cake left, Mitchell, but I doubt you would want it by the time I got it to Spain!

Ur-spo said...

I'm late for the party but i too want to wish you many happy returns and may this next year be your best one yet !