Friday, May 21, 2010

Bear with me

The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is North America's smallest and most common species of bear. It is a generalist animal, being able to exploit numerous different habitats and foodstuffs. It is not considered endangered, due to widespread distribution and a large global population estimated to be twice that of all other bear species combined. The species is not overly dangerous to humans, but has been responsible for a few deaths, as well as property damage and livestock predation. The American black bear has been the source of inspiration for numerous popular cultural depictions of bears, including the Teddy Bear and Winnie the Pooh. [Thus saith Wikipedia. But everyone knows that Winnie the Pooh is neither black nor American. Whatever!]

I mention all this because the bear in this photograph has been seen twice in recent days at a home just a couple of miles from us. I hope the cats are keeping an eye peeled!

1 comment:

Sank said...

We had a mother and three cubs at our place in Balsam Lake a couple weeks ago.