Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19, 1950

Thanks for the cards, emails, gifts and everything, and for the thoughts and prayers of those who think and/or pray.

I took my lunch to work in the Thomas the Tank Engine lunchbox the Dauphins gave me, and it was a big hit. My new mattress arrived but Tom still has to finish some work on the bed before we can install it. The cats are impatient to have more room to spread out, so he will have to get down to things soon. And I will begin enjoying the second season of The Big Bang Theory, which I received on DVD.

I suppose I will survive.


Cynthia Dodd said...

Happy Birthday Michael! We Love and Miss You!

Kristin said...

Love the shirts. Happy Birthday! Miss you!

My boss is 41 today...I can't believe you are 60. Craziness!

Sunny said...

Happy Birthday Michael!!!! Sounds like you're having a bit of a time with the big 6-0.
I just hit 50 a couple months ago- didn't PHASE me at all......Now 25 was another story!! I cried for a week BEFORE- the week OF- and the week AFTER-my 25th birthday...I was a QUARTER OF A CENTURY OLD and I thought my life was simply OVER because of it.
Turned out-we get better with age-seriously- just like a fine wine and the best was yet to come.

I haven't been able to talk much about it on my blog because of work issues, but I'm going to be moving permanently to England in August. That's going to be a GRAND ADVENTURE!!!! Who know what awaits either of us in the future, Michael!!!!! Isn't Life WONDERFUL????????
Again, Happy Birthday- and Many Many More!!!! xoxo

shera10 said...

happy birthday Michael