Thursday, August 30, 2012

Don't you know ...?

I had a friend in Chicago who said this all the time. Turns out it's the title of a song by Fall Out Boy. (A band from Illinois and that's all I know.)

I used to quote it at (in)appropriate times on the Bookmobile and my colleague thought it hilarious. It came to mind this morning while I was agitating myself over how a couple of other drivers were behaving. At first I was thinking, "Oh, sure, don't I know who you think you are?'

And then I realized, it was Michael who was all Don't-you-know-who-I-think-I-am?

Insight is a pain.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

LOVE it!!! I'm gonna have to use that on my husband next time he gives me lip about something!!! Hehehehe!!!