Friday, April 11, 2014


Today the plumber came to replace the water heater and to install some filtration stuff to help get rid of all the iron in our well water and to balance the pH. I am looking forward to being able to keep my toilet in somewhat presentable shape.

Since all that work was going on in the basement, I was unable to use my office. So I took my laptop and other materials to the library where I was able to use one of the study rooms from 9:00 until 3:00. I managed to complete some work I had begun on the Carmelite translation project -- fine-tuning the translations already done of pages and pages of captions (which require a LOT of fine-tuning) and also completed the conversion of distances from metric to the English system for incorporation into a lot of graphs. I e-mailed those off to the editorial director and am feeling quite pleased with myself.

I have also worked out a schedule to finish the rest of the work in plenty of time to meet the proposed deadline of May 1.

The plumber got his work done and was heading out the front door just as I was walking into the house through the garage door.

So all in all, a pretty good day.

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