Saturday, April 21, 2007

Happy San Jacinto Day!

You didn't forget, did you?

It has nothing to do with San Jacinto Day, but Tom and I are heading to Milwaukee today to visit his best friend from school days, Bob Mitchell. Bob was best man at Tom and Helen's wedding. He retired a few years back from the Veteran's Administration where he was a pharmacist. He had a stroke about three years ago that left him somewhat paralyzed and with some speech problems. When Tom built this house, he had it made completely accessible so that Bob can visit. The doors are all wide, there are no steps and the master bedroom bathroom can accommodate a wheelchair. Since the master bedroom is mine, except when I move out for certain guests, I am the beneficiary of all that space.

Tom gets down to see Bob every few months, and I often go along. Bob is very enjoyable, and I am pretty good at understanding what he is saying. I'm not sure what we'll do. He likes us to drive around town so he can show us all the new construction. With any luck we will get to eat at an Indian restaurant, something I miss from my days in Chicago.

On the wildlife front, last night we went for a walk after dinner and saw a doe down by the pond. It is a rare week that we don't see deer. This week we have also had wild turkeys flapping around. I saw a sandhill crane at the pond earlier in the week, a fequent visitor. A couple of weeks back there was a Great Blue Heron (pictured), the first I had seen.

1 comment:

Ted B said...

It is San Jac day and Aggie Muster, also.