Monday, July 14, 2008

A trip to the cat doctor. But wait! There's more!

This morning was pretty productive. I got a couple of papers graded and handled some related business with the Institute. I returned one book to the library and picked up two others they had ordered for me. I got a mailer so that I can send Cynthia my picture.

Most importantly, we took Sundance to the cat doctor over at Dells Animal Hospital.

It seems that Dancer has Horner's Syndrome -- a sign of nerve damage, caused we think by her bot fly problem a couple of summers back. It doesn't require treatment in and of itself, but we need to keep watch for potential problems with eye and ear infections. It is a sort of feline version of vertigo along with sinus problems. Sundance meowed piteously most of the way over, but she was completely silent on the way back. I thought the doctor had given her a sedative, but Tom said she was just traumatized from the very complete examination she got.

When we got home, I received a call from Fr. Jude Peters at Holy Hill, inviting me to his silver jubilee on Saturday. I remember Jude when he was just entering the Carmelites, and it is hard for me to think he is already celebrating twenty-five years of profession. Unfortunately I have to work and will miss the jubilee. On the other hand, he also asked me if I would be willing to revise and udpate the history of the Shrine sold in the gift shop. I already did a minor revision some years ago, but they never got around to printing it and a lot has happened since. So this time I will be able to do a more complete version, and I will be earning money as a writer. Hurrah!

I plan to go down to meet with him about this project later in the summer, and after the railway job shifts into lower gear on Labor Day, I will be able to devote serious time to getting it done.

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