Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Exercise is for the dogs

Tom had to go to the railway early this morning because of his conductoring duties. (The conductor has all sorts of preparatory tasks, including getting the public restrooms cleaned up and ready for another day.) So it was my duty to take Buddy the Dog for a w-a-l-k. We have to spell in front of the d-o-g, of course.

Buddy is an urban dog, and although he goes outside to wander around the yard, this does not count as exercise. Exercise consists of going for a walk while wearing a leash and dragging some human along. I think the sharp rocks in our drive hurt his feet, because he is a bit reluctant to leave the concrete apron outside the garage. Once we make it to the paved road, though, he is happier. There are strange smells to be smelled, trails to be traced, canine calling cards to read and respond to, noises to be noticed and so on. He is actually pretty well behaved, and he is satisfied with a short walk in the morning. Later in the day he will expect an extended tour of Berry Road and environs.

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