Thursday, August 21, 2008

Insure an' begorrah!

I had a very helpful meeting with the WPS insurance lady this morning before work. WPS is the only non-profit health insurance provider in the state, founded in the 1940s by the medical community to help Wisconsin residents budget for health care costs.

It looks like adequate coverage is well within my reach, assuming the underwriters don't refuse to insure me. My doctor and the local medical services are all within the network, too, something that was not the case for some of the other plans I examined. I explained my medical history, she looked at the meds I take and so on, and she thought there was a reasonable chance I would be approved. She also clarified some things that were not mentioned in the literature they had provided, and that was a big help.

Of course, I am in the process of applying for two jobs, both of which offer health benefits, so there is no need to rush in and sign anything. Because of the timing on WPS policies, I have until September 25 anyway to send in my application to be insured beginning October 1. In the meantime, I will try to stay healthy.

1 comment:

The Hermit said...

Its an absolute scandal that we still live in a country where medical care is largely determined by underwriters. If I'm not mistaken, we are alone among 1st-world nations in this regard.

Maybe we aren't 1st-world anymore...