Friday, July 10, 2009

Stormy, stormy night

Well, not all that stormy, to be honest. I was awakened about 4:30 this AM by my printer re-setting itself, an indication that we had momentarily lost power. I didn't even hear thunder, although that may have been what actually woke me. It was raining and Peter was still up watching television. He confirmed that we had had a power blip.

This morning when Tom went out to feed Molly -- Rich and Peggy's cat -- he noticed we had some poplar trees down in the front yard/woods. It looks like we may have had a microburst or something. No indication that anything was struck by lightning -- and we know from experience how loud that is when it happens. But about a half dozen trees had been toppled several feet above the ground, a couple large enough to be smashing everything under them. So it was probably high winds or some such. Poplars are notoriously susceptible to this type of damage. Only one deck chair was knocked over, but the back yard doesn't seem to have suffered any damage.

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