Monday, July 27, 2009


Not much to tell, but I thought I'd say hello. Today was busy -- not frantic -- at the railroad. I spent most of my day pricing stuff and sending out purchase orders and talking to sales people on the phone. NOT my idea of a great day, although I bet Vince would love it.

Stormy weather all around us, but not much right here except short sprinkles.

Still enjoying my memory foam mattress topper. Sleep is so nice!

Talked with a friend from Rhode Island tonight. Hadn't been in touch for a while, good to catch up.

Got a check for some books, which made me feel better. It looks like July was the month the book sales dried up online. I guess I'll have to write another book soon.

Looking forward to The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon Cooper rules, or would rule except he is beyond all that and can't be bothered. Now if I could just get one of those Green Lantern t-shirts ... [and the ring, of course.]

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