Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Just a quick post before I head out for my tutoring session. (I will not only be teaching irregular verbs but also teaching how to read a recipe and demonstrating a simple recipe for making fudge. Am I a fun tutor, or what?)

I survived my long day at the polls yesterday. 

The school funding proposal, on the other hand, did not survive. It went down something like 60% against, 40% for. In our township, the vote was more than two-to-one against. I won't bore you with the gory details, but the serious loss reflects anger with the way the issue was handled at least as much as people's rejection of the costly -- $30,000,000 -- proposal. One hopes the school board gets the message and does a better job preparing the next proposal and also a better job communicating with the community at large while formulating their plan. 

At any rate, something definitely has to be done about the need for significant improvements to the local school buildings. So we will continue to revisit this issue until a viable resolution is found.

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