Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Great Huntresses

Although the Roman goddess of the hunt, Diana, is usually depicted with dogs, at some point along the way she became associated with the moon -- possibly because the shape of her drawn bow looked like the crescent moon. Since cats are thought of as night creatures, they are also associated with the moon, and because they are hunters, there is some connection with Diana, the Huntress.

Besides checking the cat's food dish and their toilets, I try to keep an eye out for their hunting trophies. After a flurry of mice -- whole and dismembered -- a while back, the floors have been relatively clean of their residue.

At lunch today, though, I noticed some grasshopper legs on the carpet, letovers from a mid-morning snack, I suspect. Later when I returned from shopping for dinner, I came into the kitchen and Cassidy was sitting on the dining room carpet in a place she does not normally stretch out. I looked around and found a small garden snake under one of the chairs. Since it was still alive and appeared unharmed, I picked it up behind the head and let it go in the front yard. Tom doesn't deal well with snakes in the house, even ones small enough to pass for an agile earthworm. Cassidy saw me pick it up and carry it away, but she continued to sniff around for it for a few minutes, eyeing me balefully from time to time.

Who knows what they will bring in next?

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